Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lessons Not Learned

Without comment:

From Folha Online today: The Governor of São Paulo, José Serra, has already ordered a criminal investigation of the accident, by the State Prosecutors' Office and the Civil Police, he says he expects the aviation sector authorities to investigate the case as well.

From a statement by the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (IALPA) criticizing the criminalization of the Sept. 29 accident as "fundamentally flawed:"

"IFALPA believes that in any accident it is vital that an independent technical investigation carried out by experts in air accident investigation must be completed before any criminal or civil action is pursued. To pre-empt the results of a expert technical investigation with a judicial investigation which may not be technically competent is counter productive to improvement of air safety."

Also see this 2002 report for the National Transportation Safety Bar Association on the dangers of criminalizing an aviation accident unless clear criminal intent is evident from the start.



Daniel said...

Dear Sir, when the tragedy with you have been part of last year took place I thought you were just being "another arrogant American". However, by reading your posts and following the news I could not avoid to change my opinion. Despite all technical issues related to both accidents, all the blame must go for the Brazilian government and federal agencies that do not work as they should, instead the prefer to hide the flaws of the Brazilian airspace system and the state of our airports. We love to criticize "how arrogant foreign people are" but we love to forget how arrogant, stupid and incapable of admitting guilty we are. In time, Waldir Pires reaction was pathetic you are going to see. This time, they can't blame American pilots anyway. It would be funny if 200 hundred persons had not died.

Unknown said...

What do u think?

Bo said...

On the mark there Daniel! At least there are a couple brazilians that actually see reality for what it is! Tell me something Daniel, why do you think masses of Brazilians tend to deny reality and never want to accept responsibility, and also are so eager to point their fingers at others, especially americans?

Anonymous said...

He is just another arrogant someone that nobody knew until he tries to say that does not have any response on the tragedy with the GOL. He is just another funny one....

gerichi said...

this blog need HUGO CHAVEZ rulez...

paulogustavo said...

Sorry, Mr. Sharkley, but here in Brazil homicide is always a crime, doesn't matter if it was not intentional.

Ivan Prado said...

O cara agora vem tripudiar em cima da tragédia alheia...é um filha da puta sem coração, nem esperou passar o luto, serem feitas as devidas investigações...

Dude, you are a great son of a fuckin not be arrogant at this suffering time, show some respect and do not forget that it was american pilots fault that caused the other tragedie with Gol´s flight...And your coleagues weren´t even able to assume their responsabilities, so, go fuck yourself!!

Matusalem said...

Tinha que expulsar todos os americanos do Brasil.
Pena que o Brasil é um país pacífico, pois eu gostaria de ver os americanos sendo degolados por aqui, todos eles.
Vão para o inferno, seus bostas. Morte pra vcs.

Flavio said...

...brazilian authorities are just not capable to plan corrective actions.....are just not capable to recogize their mistakes.....i fully agree with Joe Sharkey...actually there s no flight safety in Brazil....we depend on politicians , and the whole world knows that the brazilian politicias only think about their own (and durty) pocket..Flavio from Brazil

Claudinha said...

Doesn´t this kind of accident happen there in USA? Respect our pain.
Because journalists like you 9/11 happen.


Unknown said...

Você não sabe de nada seu bosta!!! Lição de que...voces voam com o transponder desligado sabe la fazendo o que no ceu do Brazil e causam um tragédia sem igual na aviação brasileira!!!!Voce calado ainda esta errado...

Paulo said...

Dear Andre,

Before starting writing in portuguese, please learn it. "Vo escrever", "concerteza", etc is not well written.

I'm brazilian and just moved to Canada two months ago. Why I left Rio de Janeiro? Because I'm tired of living in a place where the violence rules ( and most important where the government give S...T to us.

I already know the end of this tragedy. The Brazilian Authorities will coordinate "uncoordinated" investigations and at the end the pilot will be blamed. He is dead anyway so it would be easy to do so.

When the brazilian people will awake and be more prepared, organized, etc?

By the way, on February next year everything will be forget. It will be Carnival anyway...


I remember when the justice blocked the airport last February. The government told they were rushing into conclusions.

Joe, thanks for the post. Even if it hurts it is time to show the truth to the brazilian people. Unfortunately 0.0001 % of the population will read your article and less people will learn the lesson.

Paulo Monteiro

gerichi said...

JORNALISTAS...aqui no brasil ....em qualquer lugar...são um lixo impossivel de se incinerando mesmo...

Fabricio said...

Cala sua boca, seu merda!!!
Pilotos americanos irresponsáveis vieram aqui e mataram mais de 150 pessoas. O avião que deveria ter caído na selva deveria ser o seu e dos assassinos porcos americanos irresponsáveis. Espero que Usama bin Laden mate mais um pouco do seu povo para que o mundo passe a feder menos.

Porcos assassinos!!!

Unknown said...

Espero que o Bin Laden continue aterrorizando os EUA. Gente como vc devem ser banidas do mundo!!!

Unknown said...

It is really a pity that YOU didn't die on that accident. For sure Brazil is crossing a vey serious crises in the air-traffic system, but this don't allow you to treat a terrible accident and the loosing of so many lifes like it was a punishment for the Brazilian people. Or should I say that USA didn't learn the lesson on September 11 and keep playing with other people lives and by doing that, looking for more and more terrorism in its territory!? I am sure you will remember my words on the next terrorist act in your country!!!

Unknown said...

I am Brazilian and extremely sad with all this situation. Many people have died, and this is by far the most important fact about both accidents.

Although it may seem that both events are related, one counted with the direct interference of the American pilots, and this fact cannot be denied. To use this moment for propaganda is simply ridiculous. We have to do our homework (true), and I am not even sure if the grooving of the new runway was ready. But please show us some respect. Leave your agenda to the side for some moments. Let us bury our loved ones first.

Alethéa said...

É impressionante como vocês realmente se sentem acima do bem e do mal... lamentável seu texto...

gerichi said...

JORNALISTAS....em qualquer lugar no mundo...são um bando de aproveitando da desgraça alheia pra se promover...

Regina O'Numb said...

Hi Mr Joe. I'm brazilian and since the tragedy of the GOL fly last year, I agree totally with you. In that time I said to everyone which the pilots of the Legacy plane were NOT guilt, and everyone attacked me. Now, again, another tragedy, under the uncompetence of a stupid govern. You´re right; unfortunately is dangerous to fly in Brazil. Now the workers who 'try' control the air comercial space do their work under the 'military' hard hands. They are trying say with standar work, that the things are wrong. No equipments, no good english lessons for them, no good payment, no good work's conditions. Mr Joe, thanks for your contribution; who knows, one day the people of my country will see the truth. God Bless all of us.

Christine Sol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

No comment....

Sem comentários pra esse Americano!!!

Eduardo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gustsnts said...

Joe Sharkey,
When you first come on our news, back in September, 2006 criticizing our aviation system, I thought you were probably right on most of the things you said. I used to live in the US and I know how serious you are about safety there. I was severely criticized because I shared your point of view. When the crisis started to take a huge shape, I start to tell people, do you see how that American from NY Times was right? Unfortunately, this last tragedy happened to show us that we didn't learn a thing. Of course that people that has some degree of study was already aware of this. This one of those things that shows us dramatically how we are not taking seriously what is happening in our government and to ourselves. If, only if, we had a little bit of the same way of thinking Americans do, Brazil would be a better place.

Congrats for your well written article. I just wish the occasion of this compliment was another one.


Unknown said...

Seus americanos assasinos terroristas!!!!

Vomarlene said...

Sr. Sharkey, deveria se preocupar com sua terra e deixar a dos outros, já n chega os ataques que vcs vem sofrendo de um pais inteiro, querem outros paises juntos nesta batalha de terminar com tanta arrogância.... assuman suas culpas tbm, mesmo q n tenham sido propositais, mas aconteceram... respeito os que estão sofrendo com estas tragédias, cuida de vc e de seu País, criticar é fácil, díficil e se por a disposição de ajudar os sofridos.... Tenha um bom dia, e q Deus te de um pouco de conciênscia...

Anonymous said...

Voce merecia estar era dentro de um dos aviões que cairam......
seu merda.....

Unknown said...

Certamente você não esqueceu o drama, o pânico e o medo do acidente o qual vc passou a 10 meses atrás. Certamente você tb não esquece o drama de sua família, amigos e etc. ao saberem q vc estava naquele vôo da GOL e tb não esqueceu da alegria que eles tiveram ao confirmarem que vc estava vivo.
Todos brasileiros estão conscientes do caos e falas que se encontra nosso sistema aéreo.
Porém o momento não é de criticas e sim de condolências...
Nós agentes de viagens agradecemos!

Unknown said...

Dear Joe,

As a friend of Mr. Redecker, our "federal deputy", i'm very sad about the accident. Redecker was in the TAM flight JJ 3054 that crashed in CGH.

Redecker was very angry about the brazilian air traffic, and he was the leader of the government opposition, fighting for the truth about the problems in brazilian skies.

Finally, as a brazilian citizen, I totally agree with you about our problems, especially the air traffic, that is just the tip of the iceberg of Lula's corruption.

RIP for all that lost their lives in São Paulo.

Enorê - Novo Hamburgo - RS

Mia said...

You only know to speak badly of Brazil... You look at a bit for ITS excrement country! You he lost familiar in this accident? You know the pain that is to pass therefore? What you have in the head in coming to brag itself on a tragedy of this largeness??? You she is a declared insolvent American poor person...

VPT said...

Why don't you suggest to the American goverment to run a technical investigation about September 11th????

I'm really sorry but you are no example of "Lessons Learned".....

gustsnts said...

Let me answer bo something he asked. Bo, Brazilians point their fingers at others because they are ignorant. They feel that recognizing the country's problems and solving it is not "being proud of Brazil". It's better to assume that we are "the best one" and point fingers, especially to the ones that have more success. Answer this, by reading what people is saying here, in the comments, what can you learn? What I feel is a lot of prejudice from Brazilians against other countries, specially America. And this is true. There is a lot of prejudice in Brazil against foreigns.

Caio Kaiel said...

Hi Joe,

The Brazilian state is inefficient and guilty for all these accidents. They could be prevented with simple measures.
The Brazil does not respect the Brazilians.

Eduardo said...

Hey you! Joe "shark" Take care of your fucking killer country ok?! If you're no successful there, try another carrer, like cooking for your mama!

You could be in that fly, we would be pleasure!! haha

RAFAEL RAS said...

Você tem certeza que foi o Brasil que não aprendeu a lição? Quantos atentados vocês sofrem por ano ai seus idiotas? Parem de se intrometer na vida de outros paises e cuidem das suas! parem de financiar guerras entre paises para que vocês fiquem ricos a custas de vendas de armas que vão matar muito mais pessoas do que este acidente aqui no Brasil!


gerichi said...

não entendeu o texto? aperte a tecla SAP.

Debora said...

Paulo, bye bye! I'm not fucking happy with anything that's happening in Brazil, I suffer all the consequences as being an honest citizen, paying taxes, suffering all kinds of violence. But if you scream out loud that you're ashamed of the country that "gave" you life, made your life, and oportunity to go to Canada, to live "better", you should die there, where you are, and don't come back anymore, baby. We don't need people like you, that talk shit about your own country and don't contribute in absolutely anything to make your part. This journalist has to remeber that this fucking crisis began when their pilots DID NOT ASKED FOR PERMITION TO CHANCE ALTITUDE. It's a colapse, government don't help, you're all right! But if this whole thing depended just of the regular citizens, this would be solved. You know what? Our president is indeed, ignorant, but at least, he is not a serial killer, called BUSH!

Eu quero ver o Brasil na melhor, o Brasil é o pais mais lindo do mundo, mais receptivo, as pessoas se acolhem de braços abertos, inclusive aos estrangeiros. Nas 8 vezes em que fui aos EUA, jamais fui tratada com 1/3 da educação que se trata os estrangeiros no Brasil. Nem a Suiça é como nós. Me orgulho do país sim, do povo de bem. Dos governantes, talvez nao, mas isso será resolvido. Espero o dia em que o mundo coma nas maos do Brasil, pela falta de agua...

Guilherme Faro said...

Respect, at least, the pain of the families, you arrogant, mother fucker american.

Remember! Bin Laden is still alive and still want to destroy this shitie country!

No wonder why the wolrd wide hates you guys.


gustsnts said...

You see. In less than 5 min, since I posted, look how many prejudice posts there are. The inability to recognize mistakes and solve them is what makes this country what it is. And I'm ashamed of those people that don't even know how to write in Portuguese in the right way. Besides, this kind of action WILL NOT SAVE US! Stupid samn Brazilians, stop doing this. Start looking at ourselves, looking at our problems and mostly important, start TO SOLVE THEM! I'm doing my part on this. Listen to others and START TO WORK.

Hugo said...

I hope that people can see that brazilian governmant is wrong. People die and anything is done for it. I am really shamed about Brazil. I love my country, but I see what is wrong. I am sorry about the tragedy. Hugo. From Fortaleza, Brazil

Ana said...

Escrevo em português, porque é minha língua oficial!
Os acidente ocorreram em circunstâncias completamente diferentes, não há como fazer comparações e afirmar que não aprendemos a lição.
O "alerta" da Associação Nacional de Segurança nos Transportes dos EUA não tem voz no Brasil, as regras aqui são diferentes, portanto, vamos respeitar a SOBERANIA alheia. Será que vocês sabem fazer isso?
Por fim, a respeito da investigação a ser realizada pela polícia civil, esta não impedirá que se realize uma avaliação técnica pelos órgãos competentes. Pelo menos é assim que funcionam as investigações no Brasil, não há concorrência para ver quem tem jurisdição e quem pode mais.
O senhor deveria parar de se meter na aviação civil dos outros países e passar a prestar mais atenção na de seu próprio país, pois aí, como aqui, tem muitos problemas a serem solucionados.

Claudio said...

I'll write in portuguese, for a better understanding of brazilian people here.

Incrível ver o nível dos comentários por aqui. Os dois piores acidentes aéreos de nossa história, em menos de um ano, e em meio à mais grave crise de nossa viação, e a culpa... é dos americanos? Mas quanta arrogância, idiotia, falta de senso crítico. Pelo visto desejar a morte de americanos purga as nossas mazelas, nossas misérias e nossa vagabundagem. Vão ver futebol, buanas, esse é o país que vocês merecem.

Patrício M said...

BO, your comments are DISGUSTING. IF someone disagrees with you, then the person is an idiot. Wow, what a George Bush way of doing things. It only shows how ignorant you are. AND I WILL NOT WASTE more time discussing Joe Sharkey's disgusting interview after that accident. I just wanted to know how much money he got to do that in the aftermath of the tragedy. It's important to make clear, day after day, how your empty society works. How your values are all about MONEY. How fake most of you are.
WHAT? "masses of Brazilians ten to deny reality"????
Actually, these people deal with reality in a daily basis, but I am sure you have no clue what I am talking about. Get on your SUV, drink your stupid coke and pretend YOU know what REALITY is about. Last but not least, there is a link to Mr. Sharkey's blog from GLOBO today. That's why people are now posting here. Other than that, the blog is DEAD. It seems to me that this blog needs a tragedy to survive. Maybe Joe Sharkey will go on TV again. That would be awesome, wouldn't it?
AND BY THE WAY: the other CARLOS who wrote BAD WORDS IS NOT ME (Carlos said...
FUCK YOU AND DIE!!! July 18, 2007 6:23 AM).
That's NOT ME. I wonder WHO WROTE THAT. I am amazed why that post hasn't been ERASED!!!!! Very interesting...very interesting...I wonder why the post is still there. And this blog TRIES to tell us what's correct and what's wrong????????MY GOSH....

Unknown said...

I guess you also didn't learn your lesson. You shouldn't criticize in this moment of pain.

RG said...

Very well, Mr. Sharkey.
Governments never learn. This new tragedy is a proof. Like Vietnam is another proof.
Unfortunatelly for us, in this episode, you are rignt.
But don´t forget your own country. There´s many other lessons not learned.

gustsnts said...

Débora, o Brasil é o mais preconceituoso do mundo. Olha só o que ocorre nestes posts. Eu tb tenho vergonha disso aqui, do brasileiro, do governo... Eu faço minha parte. Mas ninguém mais faz. Eu tb quero sair daqui, nem tanto por mim, mas pelos meus filhos que terei. Podem me criticar. Ser brasileiro de verdade não é ter orgulho de viver num lugar onde tá tudo errado, nada se resolve e cada vez fica pior. Tb não é se vangloriar de ter um país que tem belezas naturais, pq adivinha só, não fomos nós que construímos. Sempre estiveram aí. Não fizemos nada para tê-las. Sempre as tivemos. E o pior de tudo, estamos destruindo. Orgulho disso, vc tem? Ou então de uma votação de merda sobre o cristo redentor. Do que importa isso se em 10 meses morrem um tanto de pessoas a toa por incopetência do governo. Incompetência nossa por termos sido enganados. Duas vezes. E mais tantas outras que estão por vir? Ser brasileiro é isso? Então eu realmente mereço viver até o fim da minha vida em outro lugar, porque essa mediocridade eu não quero ser.

T said...

You are trying to connect two different events and blame them on Brazil, no matter what.
The Governor Serra neven mentioned finding the responsibles - he mentioned finding the causes. If you say Brazil's air system is so bad, maybe it will be good for them to have some help from the State's Prosecutor and the Civil Police. Oh, I am sorry, you might be telling yourself that those are failed institutions as well, and only with American intervention a real and effective investigation could happen...
I am pretty sure this accident, contrary to the one you were involved in, happen for lack of safety from the Brazilian structure. This is unfortunate and I believe authorities, I mean, Brazilian authorities, should pursue all types of investugation to find the causes and fix them.
You, in the other hand my friend, should maybe drink a warm glass and go get a life. You Americans are not the police of the world. It is NOT you obligation to bring democracy to Iraq or to bring air safety to Brazil. Your work should be to take care of your own business and avoid tragedies such as 9/11 and Virginia Tech.
Glod bless the souls of the victims of all these tragedies and their families. And may God forgive the stupidity of the Humam being. They don't know what they are saying...

Eduardo Felix said...

Caro Paulo Monteiro!
Apesar se falar Ingles, opto por me dirigir ao senhor em português.
Fico muito feliz que uma pessoa como você tenha deixado o meu país. E ainda clamo para que não volte aqui JAMAIS, mesmo quando seus amados canadenses ou americanos, te desprezarem aí.
Buscar refúgio contra as desigualdades do Brasil no exterior é compreensível, agora, negar sua língua, origem e governo. É... reafirmo, sou muito grato pela sua saída.

"When the brazilian people will awake and be more prepared, organized, etc? "

Por pessoas como você que a realidade do Brasil é essa, se você fizesse a sua parte, teríamos um país melhor.
Há tantas coisas que gostaria de "esfregar na sua cara", mas prefiro parar por aqui, e esperar que haja um pouco de consiência em você.

Eduardo Felix - Brasileiro, ciente dos problemas do meu país, e trabalhando para que sejam solucionados.

gustsnts said...

Akhenathon, perfect comment. Congrats. And the rest of you, this is the image you fuckin* people are showing to other countries. Way to go, stupid Brazilians.

Patrício M said...

PESSOAL QUE ESTÁ ENTRANDO NO BLOG: o jornalista parte do princípio que os pilotos americanos são totalmente inocentes e MESMO AGORA, depois dessa tragédia, a única coisa que ele faz é mencionar o acidente da GOL. É o típico jeito sujo americano de fazer retórica. Um jeito baixo, arrogante, distorcido. OBVIAMENTE o problema da aviação brasileira existe e é gravíssimo. MAS vamos COMENTAR em blogs brasileiros. Esse blog aqui só quer se aproveitar da situação, infelizmente. Esse jornalista NUNCA FOI IMPARCIAL nas suas análises. ELE JAMAIS vai admitir que os pilotos do Legacy não seguiram as instruções de não mudar de altura. AGORA PERDEMOS NOSSO TEMPO xingando uns aos outros enquanto deveríamos estar UNIDOS num momento tão triste. UNAM-se brasileiros. Claro que somos diferentes uns dos outros, claro que temos um país injusto e cheio de problemas, mas precisamos DE UNiÃO e não de ataques uns aos outros. ESQUEÇAM ESSE BLOG, entrem nos blogs brasileiros e coloquem suas opiniões.

Diego (krek) said...

olá Mr. Joe Sharkey!!
Meu nome é DIego Bica Gonçalves, moro em Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Bom, não li os seus comentários sobre os acidentes brasileiros e nem suas criticas.Mas pelo jeito não agradeu muito gente do meu pais, olha eu vi um post aki que me chamou muita atenção.
>> ( luluca disse...

Certamente você não esqueceu o drama, o pânico e o medo do acidente o qual vc passou a 10 meses atrás. Certamente você tb não esquece o drama de sua família, amigos e etc. ao saberem q vc estava naquele vôo da GOL e tb não esqueceu da alegria que eles tiveram ao confirmarem que vc estava vivo.
Todos brasileiros estão conscientes do caos e falas que se encontra nosso sistema aéreo.
Porém o momento não é de criticas e sim de condolências...
Nós agentes de viagens agradecemos! ) <<

acho importante ressaltar este post ... pois o senhor viveu e convive com o acidente do ano passado em sua vida. Só agora pense...
alguem de outro pais, critica o seu pais num momento muito dificil, onde outro acidente acontece, outras pessoas perdem a vida.Mas mesmo assim esta pessoa não presta atenção que o momento não é para criticas e sim para compaixão, caridade com os familiares e com o proprio pais.
o Senhor gostatia que no dia 12 de setembro de 2001, um dia após atrajegia das Torres Gemeas, alguem repudiasse e criticasse o seu pais, em meio a desolação e o medo. Não né !! Não tenho nada contra jornalistas e nem americanos, pois um dia quero ser talvez um jornalista, mas acho que não cabia esse seu comentário. Peço que não proximas vezes ( não quero dizer que acontecerá novamente outro acidente de avião ) o senhor cuide para não ofender e nem magoar as pessoas. Pois jornalista não é para isso ... e sim apenas para informar a população...!!
grato pelo espoço ... Uma boa semana paro o Senhor!!

Debora said...

Gustavo, a mediocridade em que vivem PARTE dos brasileiros, eu tambem nao quero pra mim. Eu sofro, tanto quanto voce, por toda a violencia e sofrimento que meus filhos passarão, e ja pensei mil vezes em sair daqui. Mas sabe o que? Nao vale a pena. Pq todo pais tem defeitos, alias, melhor dizendo, todo POVO tem. Sejamos coloquiais: coitadinho do Brasil, um pais que é palco da barbarie, que nao tem culpa de nada, com um povo parcialmente deficiente de coraçao e mente... Pensemos, somos a parte boa disso, a parte critica, que pelo menos PENSA - e repito, PELO MENOS PENSA - em mudar alguma coisa, seja numa atitude pequena, quanto tentando abrir a cabeça dos preconceituosos.

Unknown said...

Very unhappy its commentary on Brazil, first for the fact of that Mr. is American, second for the fact of whom it does not have the right to give opinions on our Country, third for the fact of that its opinion you are welcome matters, room for the fact of that compatriots its had caused a serious accident and are unpunished and finally, fuck its opinion

Paulo said...

Debora and Everybody else.

Please post meaninful comments.

Brazil gave me life? I had to paid everything twice. The taxes to the goverment and private school, private healthcare, private security.

AWAKE BRAZIL. Stop saying bullshit like Brazil is the best and F__K the rest. That's why you are where you are.

To fix a problem the first step is to recognize it. And because Brazilians are so proud, because Brazil is so beautiful, because people is so nice we don't have problems. Do we?

Yes I hope I can die in Canada. In fact I'm sure I'll die because of my aging process. Not killed by anybody else.

I'm with you Gustavo.

Oh... How nice. My son is out there playing at the backyard. Am I afraid? No I'm not. There is no violence here. Thanks GOD!!!

Patrício M said...

NEURóTICA: ABSOLUTAMENTE BRILHANTE o que você escreveu. Obrigado.

Ana said...

Para quem criticou a revolta dos brasileiros: HÁ ARROGÂNCIA DOS DOIS LADOS! ACORDEM!

Márcio Quelha said...

Vamos respeitar a dor dos familiares. O acidente envolvendo o Legacy foi causado pela irresponsabilidades dos "melhores" pilotos americanos do norte, por isso o Sr. tem que pensar melhor nas suas palavras idiotas e sem qualquer conhecimento de causa.

Flavinha05 said...

Dear Sir, You see I agree that the airspace situation is a total mess and that our authorities should do something about that. But if you followed the investigations on the GOL crash you would easily notice that some of the fault was from the US pilots, I SAID SOME...and that responsability shoud be admitted in respect of the people who died. Now it is an outrage that you disrecpt our people and the families of the victims of the TAM flight. I accpet your freedom of speach but it disgusses me how you use it to disrespect our pain. You see I don´t wish anything bad for the US, I admire many of your good things. But I do also disagree how you believe to be the police of the world and how that is atracting hate and terrorrism. But the difference between us is that I still don´t think you deserve any attack nor YOU not anyone´. And that is called RESPECT for others and sense of humanity. You should do more research on that.

Patrício M said...

MAIS DE 60 COMENTÁRIOS E 99% de BRASILEROS SE ATACANDO!!!! O pessoal que mora no CANADÁ...por favor, sejam menos arrogantes, cresçam um pouquinho....seus posts estão pra lá de ridículos e a vida parece horrível pra vocês, caso contrário não teriam tanto rancor. JOE SHARKEY CONSEGUIU MAIS UMA VEZ!!!! NENHUM AMERICANO ENTRA nesse BLOG...NENHUM...vejam os posts anteriores...é TUDO ZERO COMMENTS. AGora estamos aqui...brigando.

gustsnts said...

Para os brasileiros que tanto partem do princípio que a culpa foi dos americanos, até onde a investigação foi feita, a parcela maior de culpa foi dos controladores que não tomaram as medidas necessárias para evitar o acidente. Pior que isso, a culpa dos americanos está a ponto de ser definida pelo fato do transponder estar com defeito ou não, coisa que não foi confirmada, mas que dizem ser bem possível de ter ocorrido. O que me parece é que tem muito brasileiro procurando bode espiatório. A única coisa que eu achei errado foi alguns comentários arrogantes que os pilotos fizeram e por isso eles devem ser julgados, com toda a certeza. Sobre a culpa real dos pilotos, melhor esperarmos o fim das perícias técnicas.

Debora said...

Alguma vez eu disse que o Brasil nao tem problemas? O Brasil já esta acordado, os politicos é que continuam encantados com tudo o que VOCE e EU, Paulo, pagamos duas vezes. Alias, talvez esse seja o defeito do brasileiro, o excesso de confianca de que "tudo vai dar certo". Reafirmo, o Brasil é o pais mais bonito do mundo sim, e tem condicoes de oferecer a vida que os "canadenses" tem, que, me desculpe, nao achei nada de anormal. Anormal, obvio, é a situaçao em que o Brasil vive, alias, que o politicos fazem acontecer. Ninguém se ajuda, mas eu cumpro com a minha parte, nao fujo dos problemas. E problemas, queridos, teremos em qualquer parte do mundo, inclusive quando mal se aceita que visitem outro pais, e te mandam de volta no aviao seguinte, depois de 12 horas de viagem.

Unknown said...

Mr. Sharkey,

I find it disturbing how, hours past such tragedy, you post pictures on your blog accompanying sarcastic comments.
As a Brazilian, I do understand my country has a great amount of flaws. I do support the idea of shutting down Congonhas Airport altogether because of the lack of security it provides its passengers. But Mr. Sharkey, every country has flaws. My country struggles with many things, all of which cannot be solved with the money it has. Yet other countries, whom describe themselves as world powers, cannot solve their own obstacles even though they have an endless amount of resources to do so.
Mr Sharkey, please do myself, my countrymen, and most importantly, the families of the victims a favor and stop treating yourself as a victim of Brazil.
I'm sure no one forced you to come to my country Mr. Sharkey. You, being the culture journalist I hope you are, knew of our situation before you visited us.
Before criticizing anyone, I like to critize myself, to make sure that I am not being unfair to my victim. And I think you should do the same. Look at yourself before looking at us. If your argument is that Brazil is putting people's lives in danger, think of how the US is doing the same.
Thank you for your time Mr. Sharkey.
And I hope that if your intention is to help us in any way, you will, before making yet another sarcastic comment, post a message of how sorry you are for the victims of this accident.

Claudio said...

I don't bother about Mr. Sharkey criticism. He has the right to do it. But it's a shame reading some posts of brazilian people here. They are the stereotype of the "perfect latin-american idiot": blame the americans for our incompetence, no matter the reasons and the logic. Yes, I am brazilian, too, unfortunately. But I'll never blame another one for my incompetence. Shame on you, "brazucas", shame on you.

Unknown said...

Hey, fuck you!

Phugaz! said...

Mr. Joe Sharkey

We brazilians know about the problems about our country. And more - we know about the huge problems about your country too. I can talk for every brazilian, because, despite our social/political problems, our culture is over all full of human heat (I guess you don't know what this expression means, sorry). Our problems exist, and we (the population, I mean) are tryng to solve the better way that we can. The problems of your imperialist country, I am sorry, but its you and your selfish culture. We sorry about, but we can respect based on our compassion. I just ask for the same of you.

We, like all of you, know the accidente was your legacy pilots fault.I'm not asking that you, the tragedy with legacy assumes - a jornalist badly informed, blind or liar, is unacceptable, but I believe that you're just a liar.

Sorry about my english, but I guess you do not know our rich language.

Anyway, we just ask for respect.

In God we REALLY trust, amigo.

Ana said...

Acredito que o Sr. Joe Sharkey finalmente descobriu como fazer seu blog ser visitado: escrever posts depreciativos sobre o Brasil! Notem que antes de começar a colocar esses textos desagradáveis, não haviam visitas ou comentários. Infelizmente, nós, brasileiros, somos muito bobos e ficamos dando ibope a ele.

Anonymous said...

Eu acho que você deve enteder muito bem em português, e eu não vou ficar me rebaixando tentando fazer com que você entenda, escrevendo em inglês, a mensagem que eu tenho pra te mandar...

Paulo said...


Posso escrever em Portugues. Peco desculpas antes de mais nada por nao ter acentos em meu teclado.

Ja que eh para escrever portugues lhe informo que "consiencia" se escreve consciencia.

Este eh apenas mais uma virtude do incrivel povo brasileiro e o seu sistema de educacao.

Nao se preocupe. Nao voltarei ao Brasil.

Tenho minha consciencia limpa. Apos 35 anos fiz de tudo para melhorar o pais.

Mas cansei de jogar perolas para porcos.

E aproveitando os ditados populares, o pior cego eh aquele que nao quer ver.

E antes de mais nada parabens. Parece que ganhamos da Argentina no futebol. Que bom! Circo para o povo. Ate por que pao nao se ve ha muito tempo.

E quanto a todos os outros comentarios preconceituosos. Vivo em Toronto, CA e cada dia vivendo aqui sou mais feliz. E dizer que somente o povo brasileiro recebe bem e apenas mais um comentario ufanista e provinciano.

Tambem esqueci de parabenizar pelo Cristo. 7a maravilha do mundo. Apenas esqueceram de avisar que eh bastante arriscado subir la. Seja pelos assaltantes ou as bandalhas dos taxistas.

"Deve ser terrivel viver num pais assim"...

Mariana Fratini said...

fuck you!
espero que expolda um avião em cima da sua casa seu jornalista de merda!

Unknown said...

Paulo you are really stupid "When the brazilian people will awake and be more prepared, organized, etc? " you should move to USA and you should have been at World Trade Center when some people showed what USA really deserve for everything that USA have done for the world.


Eliza Caetano said...

Well, mr Sharkey, I think we brazilians hate to see you´re wright. American or not, arrogant or not, the accident proves how stupidly unresponsable our authorities were. No excuses. I can´t imagine how this people go to sleep every night. But Bo, I don´t think all brazilians deny reality and not accept responsability. You have to notice, by the time the accident with Gol aircraft happened, we didn´t have any information about the conditions. Not all americans are arrogants and not all brazilians like to deny reality. We are all deeply sorry about the lives that have been lost, worried about people we love that have to fly, and scarried because of the irresponsability of our stuped authorities.

Patrício M said...

PAULO, lamentável seus comentários. Seu rancor e arrogância são impressionantes. O que? Cansou de jogar pérolas aos porcos? Que absurdo. Que lamentável. Se algum brasileiro quer saber mais sobre o Canadá deveria conversar com algum certainly know what I mean. Enfim, felicidades meu caro. Mas faça um favor: pare de vomitar seu ódio e frustrações na internet. Infelizmente você é muito imaturo e parece que essa sua experiência no Canadá não te ensinou nada. Mas sabemos que você vai negar tudo isso porque YOU ARE THE MAN! You are the chosen one!!! Get a life, pal.

Eduardo Felix said...

Paulo Monteiro,

só pra te lembrar (espero que não aconteça), mas teu filho pode morrer na escola, assassinado por psicopata.

A bíblia diz em Mt 7 :
1 Não julgueis, para que não sejais julgados.
2 Porque com o juízo com que julgais, sereis julgados; e com a medida com que medis vos medirão a vós.
3 E por que vês o argueiro no olho do teu irmão, e não reparas na trave que está no teu olho?
4 Ou como dirás a teu irmão: Deixa-me tirar o argueiro do teu olho, quando tens a trave no teu?
5 Hipócrita! tira primeiro a trave do teu olho; e então verás bem para tirar o argueiro do olho do teu irmão.

pra vc que não fala mais português, leia em Inglês então:

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Unknown said...

Paulo, o que voce faz morando ai nos EUA que te deixa tanto tempo livre para escrever merda sobre o seu pais!? Isso é coisa de gente recalcada ... para com isso e vai trabalhar!!!
A indignação aqui é somente contra a falta de sensibilidade deste jornalista em querer tripudiar em cima de tragédias ... mas talvez a morte seja mesmo algo bastante banal para os americanos que matam crianças, torturam gente de bem ...
Quanto à você, recolha-se e va produzir algo de util!

Jo Story said...

How sad and unbelievable are the remarks of others posting here?

Maybe this is not the best time to be posting something like this because people are hurt, but it is inexcusable the way people are replying. The reality is, people are too ignorant to recognize their own flaws. We are guilty. Did anyone intend for this to happen? I sure hope not, however, without recognizing our own mistakes, we can not fix them and the accidents will actually start not being "accidents" anymore.

We all have problems, every country, and every society. The Brazilian one is that we can never accept our actions, we must blame others. The people in Brazil apparently want dictatorship because this way they don't have to think about issues - press is controlled by the government (the same corrupt government that put as all in this mess). Just because the U.S has many problems, it does not mean that all Brazilian problems should be forgiven. This is the extent of argument that people are able to make.
The society needs to change. I wish that here in the U.S and in Brazil people would just start taking responsibility for their mistakes and deal with it instead of blaming others.

I'm so sick of this.

As for you, Joe, I feel bad for what you had to go through, however, I sure hope you do not generalize Brazil and Brazilians based on your experience and the
comments of people here. Nothing is that simple.

Unknown said...

Could you please do us a BIG FAVOR?
Don't you come back to Brazil anymore and take care of your business

Unknown said...

Bem, de fato acho que isso aqui virou uma bateção de boca!!!

Muito bem comentando Carlos, nenhum americano entra aqui... só Brasileiro... e todos se atancando. Uma pena mesmo!

Tenham um bom dia, com um pouquinho de paz ao menos!

Bo said...

Thank you Gustavo for answering my question!!

I asked it because I wanted to see if someone had the courage to answer it. I already knew the answer! I'm an american that's been living in Brazil for 10 years, have a brazilian child, have a brazilian business, pay brazilian taxes.

It's absurd the sheer numbers of people in this country that absolutely HATE to accept responsiblity for anything. As if saying, "desculpe" and admitting when one is wrong is "shaming oneself"!

There are a lot of things wrong in the U.S. and all countries, but I've never witnessed in my life peoples from other countries that REFUSE to accept responsiblity like brazilians and also brazilian businesses, organizations, etc.

At the end of the day we're all human. And unfortunately these people that died yesterday, and those that died last year, died as a direct result of corruption within Infraero and budgets that were approved to be spent on imporovements in aviation infrastructure and the hiring and training of ATC's which never occurred!!

The real question is...where did this money go?

I only wish brazilians would be as indignant with their own politicians who are raping their citizens blind as they are with "gringos".

togali said...

você é patético!

togali said...

você é patético!

Paulo said...

Geography lesson. Canada is not EUA. In Fact Canada is a country north of EUA. I don't live in EUA and I'm not willing to do so.

And yes, I have spare time. That's because I work 8 hours a day. And whenever I have to work more the company gives me back free days so I can enjoy the nice summer with my family.

I'll stop posting right now. 90% of the people here simply doesn't have a point. They simply blame the jornalist. However some people is giving their opinion, like Debora, for example, even if I doesn't agree with her.

Have peace Brasil. You deserve it.

marcospel said...

Não tenho palavras para expressar meu sentimento em relação a opiniões que foram faladas aqui!! Primeiramente os comentários ridículos de Sr Joe sharkey que pensa ser vítima do acidente com o avião do Gol; também de alguns brasileiros idiotas que por mudarem de país ficam falando besteiras e corrigindo até erros de português pensando ser uma autoridade no assunto. O momento não é pra isso e sim para ficar solidário com as famílias das vitimas! Claro que temos que exigir mudanças por parte do governo e espero que isto aconteça o mais rápido possível para evitarmos outros acidentes como este!! e PAULO MONTEIRO, se vc tem vergonha de seu país, não diga mais que é brasileiro..pois pessoas como voce não fazem nenhuma falta a nossa nação!!

I have no words to express what I am feeling toward to the opinions in this blog! First of all, the words of Mr.Joe sharkey were ridicolous, besides he thinks he is a victim of the accident with the airplane of Gol airlines; also some comments of brazilians who have left the country and think they are on the top of the world and start saying stupid things about their countryman and even correcting grammar mistakes of Portuguese. This is not the correct moment to criticize or try to find a guilty. We must be sympatheric friends with the people who are suffering!! Needless to say we should claim for better conditions in our airport and also other areas of our country. I do hope that the brazilian authorites start doing their job in order to prevent accidents like this! As for you PAULO MONTEIRO, shame on you!! if you are shamed of your country and people, do not say you are brazilian anymore and do not come back. We do not need people like you here!!

Unknown said...

I am writing for this above! Please don't write you are brazilian, you aren't. A brazilian don't think like you! We have many problems, and also, I agree with need a study to know before procecute somebody! But I realy happy to know you are not here any more... Because you are a bastard... You live in place where the governament teach they children they onwer of Amazon, go to a geografic book and see.. Do you know why?? Because one day, when then decide fight for Amazon the children will belive on that! They don't come yet just because they know was going to be the same of Vietna! Please never come back! Come with the US forces to fight and I will be the first to take a gun and give you a shot bastard!

Onibuseiro said...

Fuck you, man!

Unknown said...

This new accident is all the americans of legacy needed to prove their teses of "not guilty" on the last one. Really, Brasilians have been thru a dangerous air crises who had vitimized inocent people as well terrorists do on the US. Reading the opinions on this blog, I notice a confusion among factors don´t should not mix: The air crises in Brazil, the need of americans pilot to blame this crises and take away any guilt on the first accident, and mainly, the difference between the goverment (both brazilian, and american) and their population, who doesn´t deserve to be blamed (and killed) by the goverment faults.

Ana Cláudia - Belo Horizonte- Brazil

Bo said...

Isn't it unreal the comments of some of the brazilians here??

I sure hope that it's just a couple lunatics posting numeruos names, because if it's not, then brazil is worse off than any of us thought.

Bo said...

Wow...all the lunatics are coming out of the woodwork!!!

Now we have one of these idiots that state the U.S. teaches in its schools that we own the amazon!!!


You just have to laugh!

Unknown said...

Come on, tell the true: You're just lobbying the legacy pilots.

Because they're (and you) are north-americans, the masters of the universe. For you it's just plain and simple unthinkable that the best pilots in the world, the masters of the flying universe were with the transponder off and doing little acrobacies with the legacy at the collision time.

But, hey ! The pilots were north-americans, and as the whole world knows, the only law that rules is your country laws. A serious investigation is a third world country in an accident which hundreds of people died is not to be taken seriously by your supreme masters.

Brasil air is a caos ? YES. We do a lot of shit around here ? YES. But please, don't use that as an argument to safe your loved pilots asses. They did shit here. And they know that.

But your pilots are safe in your soil. You, the supreme masters of the world have your own law, in which you DON'T GIVE A FUCK about what happens outside your country. The only charge the pilots will need to live forever is with their conscious: because they know what they did and they know how much pain they caused. Live with that.

Unknown said...

Não vou me dar ao esforço de escrever em inglês para um folgado como você.

Você pode até estar certo sobre este caso, e realmente uma investigação criminal não seja o caminho tecnicamente recomendável.

Mas não misture as coisas, você criticar este caso em particular não muda nada no "seu" caso, onde houve sim negligência criminosa comprovada.

Foi muito azar o seu avião não ter se espatifado também, o que teria nos evitado o desprazer de ter de ficar ouvindo-o falar tanta besteira, querendo armar confusão posterior pra confundir os incautos e justificar os pilotos bandidos que o levavam a bordo em setembro.

Unknown said...

Não vou me dar ao esforço de escrever em inglês para um folgado como você.

Você pode até estar certo sobre este caso, e realmente uma investigação criminal não seja o caminho tecnicamente recomendável.

Mas não misture as coisas, você criticar este caso em particular não muda nada no "seu" caso, onde houve sim negligência criminosa comprovada.

Foi muito azar o seu avião não ter se espatifado também, o que teria nos evitado o desprazer de ter de ficar ouvindo-o falar tanta besteira, querendo armar confusão posterior pra confundir os incautos e justificar os pilotos bandidos que o levavam a bordo em setembro.

Unknown said...

ok..I really think that its sad that so many people have died on that new brazilian air accident. I completly agree that its the brazilian air line and government that really does not take care of their own people by making sure that procedures to take care of air traffic and air safety is not a major concern for them specially after the last accident. I'm sorry, I was born in Brazil and I came to america when I was 12 years old and I'm really happy to be living in US and be part of the country's policy because living in Brazil for sure is not easy speacially not being able to be protected and have my safety on the line. Now that all this happen, I'm sorry about the lost lives but I agree with the owner of the blogg about making critics to the Brazilian government and all cause even tho we feel sad about the lost, not its time to take actions and change things so it does not happen again!!! Brazilian have to stop being too emotional and think about the future. If you dont want that to happen again to your family, takle action on it!

Unknown said...

ok..I really think that its sad that so many people have died on that new brazilian air accident. I completly agree that its the brazilian air line and government that really does not take care of their own people by making sure that procedures to take care of air traffic and air safety is not a major concern for them specially after the last accident. I'm sorry, I was born in Brazil and I came to america when I was 12 years old and I'm really happy to be living in US and be part of the country's policy because living in Brazil for sure is not easy speacially not being able to be protected and have my safety on the line. Now that all this happen, I'm sorry about the lost lives but I agree with the owner of the blogg about making critics to the Brazilian government and all cause even tho we feel sad about the lost, not its time to take actions and change things so it does not happen again!!! Brazilian have to stop being too emotional and think about the future. If you dont want that to happen again to your family, takle action on it!

Unknown said...

Come on, tell the true: You're just lobbying the legacy pilots.

Because they're (and you) are north-americans, the masters of the universe. For you it's just plain and simple unthinkable that the best pilots in the world, the masters of the flying universe were with the transponder off and doing little acrobacies with the legacy at the collision time.

But, hey ! The pilots were north-americans, and as the whole world knows, the only law that rules is your country laws. A serious investigation in a third world country in an accident which hundreds of people died is not to be taken seriously by your supreme masters.

Brasil air is a caos ? YES. We do a lot of shit around here ? YES. But please, don't use that as an argument to safe your loved pilots asses. They did shit here. And they know that.

But your pilots are safe in your soil. You, the supreme masters of the world have your own law, in which you DON'T GIVE A FUCK about what happens outside your country. The only charge the pilots will need to live forever is with their conscious: because they know what they did and they know how much pain they caused. Live with that.

Felipe Augusto said...

certeza que esse JOe Sharkey não tem coração, ou se tem não se lembra da tragédia de 11 de setembro onde morreram um numero imaginavel de pessoas inocentes, como estas pessoas que estavam no avião. Para e pensa um pouco antes de abrir uma critica com relação a acontecimentos tragicos, pense nas familias que estão inconformadas com o acidente, você é americano e se alguem da sua familia, amigos, conhecido seja la quem for estivesse em alguma das duas torres do Word trade center, e derrepente vem uma pessoa de outro país e critica o fato. aposto que iria dor esse seu coração. Ahh! esqueci voce nao possui isso. Tenha um pouco mais de sensibilidade para escrever matérias sem fundamentos.

léo said...

Não sei se todos estão lendo o mesmo BLOG , ou se simplesmente existe a vontade de criticar por criticar. Vamos lá, todos nós sabiamos que isso iria acontecer, o problema é que NÓS os Brasileiros não gostamos de ser criticados nos colocando como um povo HIPOCRITA e aqui me comparo aos Americanos. É sempre assim em todas as crises e as reações são sempre as mesmas, como o Lula fez com o jornalista que disse que ele é um Bebado e nós sabemos que ele é. Estamos a DEZ meses em uma crise aerea e ninguem fez NADA a não ser criticar as pessoas que nos criticaram. Os americanos talvez sejam uns imbecis , mas nós tambem somos.

Patrício M said...

well BO, at least Brazilians are not COWARDS like many of you, certainly the MILLIONS who re-elected a mass murderer as their stupid president.

bruna said...

I think you are totally right about the Brasilian aviation system. Living here in the US, I haven't heard much about the accident but I do know this... When an airport has to close its runaway due to problem and the goverment wants to reopen that same runaway due to financial issues and then 200 people die, they have some serious answering to do. Unfortunately they will just blame someone else.
I sincerely hope that the American piltos won't be sent to Brasil to stand trial. They don't have a chance.

Speedgallo said...

Yep, our airspace control suffers 'cause ou government sucks. That's the point and most here never stop thinking this is the reason for the caos.

But USA pilots that turn off the receivers to play with their cutie brand new plane sucks too. And most of the people here never forget that.

We have to fix our problems, you have to fix yours. Our government got to learn, so do the "foreign people". Your accident show to the world that the brazilian airspace control is a mess, but it also show that you really think this is a place where you can do whatever you want. So keep writin'... but don't feel like you're the world CEO. The world's not your backyard.

We all have problems to fix.

Our planes are under risk, but we don't crash entire countries lookin' for weapons that doesn't exist (and that's a good pretend to take their oil). We have big numbers of corruption, but kids don't kill their entire school. We're a Maybe the world thinks we don't learn... but they don't hate us with reasons.

So watch your Nero and we watch our problems.

Unknown said...

It's sad that you don't show any commotion or respect to more than 180 victins that this accident made. You just point that you were right and blame the brazilians for what happened.

For you it's just a way to promote yourself right? Show some respect for this people, they are not responsible for what happened.

Respect. Just respect.

Speedgallo said...

Yep, our airspace control suffers 'cause ou government sucks. That's the point and most here never stop thinking this is the reason for the caos.

But USA pilots that turn off the receivers to play with their cutie brand new plane sucks too. And most of the people here never forget that.

We have to fix our problems, you have to fix yours. Our government got to learn, so do the "foreign people". Your accident show to the world that the brazilian airspace control is a mess, but it also show that you really think this is a place where you can do whatever you want. So keep writin'... but don't feel like you're the world CEO. The world's not your backyard.

We all have problems to fix.

Our planes are under risk, but we don't crash entire countries lookin' for weapons that doesn't exist (and that's a good pretend to take their oil). We have big numbers of corruption, but kids don't kill their entire school. We're a Maybe the world thinks we don't learn... but they don't hate us with reasons.

So watch your Nero and we watch our problems.

Clarissa Barth said...

You know this accident has nothing to do with the event of last year, with you. Don't you think there's enough hate in the world agains the americans - you instigate brazilians to hate you with your declarations! Hey, you came to brazil just to make money and then talk this way about us? We deal with our problems, I can criticize Brazil, our government, and I do, I think our situation is pathetic, almost hopeless! But not you, an american full of privileges just because was born in the "right country". You see, the anti-american feeling it this world today is justified. Stop talking about us. Oh, by the way, I think you're not welcome here anymore.

andreviana said...

Para os brasileiros e os americanos:
Todos você não passa de patriotas idiotas, que querem defender a sua patria e xingar a dos outros e são dominados pelos seus governos corruptos. Alem disso, a culpa do acidente do vôo 3054 são das autoridades que controla o Aeroporto de Congonhas.

Fuck the President Lula
Fuck the President Bush

Cláudia Rocha said...

Mr. Sharkey,
I'm speaky english and other languages very well, but eu não vou escrever em seu idioma pois estou no BRASIL! Se o senhor não conseguir ler por não conhecer nosso idioma, lamentável! Isso só reforça a minha crença de que seu povo é alienado, ignorante e sem cultura. Vocês só tem dinheiro! Dinheiro este roubado de países como o nosso. Matam nossas florestas, empobrecem nosso povo e a única coisa que deixam é o péssimo exemplo de um capitalismo nojento e mesquinho. Vocês são um povo que tem apenas casca, dentro, ou são vazios ou cheio de excremento. Cheios de assassinos em série e jovens que matam seus colegas nas escolas. Façamos um trato, nunca mais venha ao BRASIL, que eu nunca mais vou aos EUA! Prefiro CUBA, CHINA ou a EUROPA, ou qualquer lugar onde eu possa aprender mais, adquirir mais cultura. Coisa que aí vocês não tem! Não me acrescentam em nada. Só se eu quiser aprender a usar as palavras "FUCK" e "SHIT" como se fossem vírgula!!!!

Daniela said...

Senhor Sharkey. Voce e a pessoa que tem menos direito de falar sobre este acidente que ocorreu no final da tarde de ontem. Ate hoje não se saber os culpados do acidente do vôo 1907. Entao eu peço em respeitos do familiares tanto desta tragedia e do vôo 1907. Que o senhor retire estas noticias do seu blog, ja em seu blog o senhor colocar sua opiniao sobre este acidente. Entao tenha um pouco de respeito aos familiares. De uma forma bem cordial eu direi : SHUT UP!!!!!

E que Deus abençoe familiares. Minha condolências
Creio que o senhor sabia ler português, ja que e jornalista!

Patrício M said...

Americans have ABSOLUTELY no RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT CORRUPTION. The US paid enormous amount of MONEY to TERRORISTS like BIN LADEN who are now threatening the entire world. Thanks to shameful, disgusting and stupid American way of doing international politics, the entire world is in danger now. And all because the capitalists could not tolerate comunism. IT'S BECAUSE OF AMERICAN'S HISTORY of invasions, killings, bombings, corruption, that I say YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to talk about corruption in other countries. You CHAMPION this crime.

andreviana said...

vocês, brasileiros, que prefere torcer pelo Brasil no Pan de Milhões de reais e não fazem nada para tirar nossos politicos corruptos do poder. São até iguais aos americanos, que dão o luxo de atacarem países mulçumanos e tambem não fazem NADA para tirar o presidente bush do poder.

Kill the president
Kill you God

Unknown said...

Well, as a Brazilian and also being VERY proud to obtain the American citizenship, I was just amazed/shocked with such comments on this blog. I see myself in a position to understand both sides, but truly agreeing with the author's comment. Lessons not Learned are quite right. The biggest TV journal of the country, Jornal Nacional, showed a couple of minutes of many similar accidents in the same airport. ANY PATTERN? By the way, with the present chaos and messy of the Brazilian airline industry it is quite amazing that such a catastrophe took so long. Dear Joe Sharkey, as a Brazilian I apologize for many arrogant phrases posted toward the American people where as an American I feel offended. Maybe they could direct their criticism toward many other countries like Italy, Germany, or Spain who also have their opinions about Brazil and specially the corruption among Brazilian politicians. Imagine if the politicians/law makers could be held personally accountable for their actions? This was a contingent event that could be avoided. UNFORTUNATELY, THE LESSONS WERE NOT LEARNED...TOO LATE!

Juliana said...

SR. Joe Sharkey
O melhor neste momento é cada país cuidar de seus problemas . Será que voce pode entender isso?
Se o choque pelo o qual voce passou ainda te faz mal, vai fazer uma analise ou algo assim, mas nao venha querer "apontar" o dedo pra nós e nos acusar.
O ideal é que cada um reconheça a sua culpa e fique na sua, sem querer virar o jogo em cima de tragedias.

Unknown said...

Faça me o favor, incapaz de perceber que só se salvou por um milagre, você continua insistentemente tentando denegrir a imagem do Brasil, faça o seguinte, cuida da sua vida e pricipalmente perca seu precioso tempo criticando as atitudes tomadas pelo gorverno do seu país, que você considera tão especial e tão superior aos outros. Arrogante pra descrever a sua pessoa é pouco mas o que podemos esperar de uma pessoa como você e todos os outros americanos que mesmo antes de ter a investigção concluída consideraram os pilotos americanos como heróis, é realmente lamentável. Os "heróis" do seu país são semrpe assim, despreparados, incopetentes e irresposáveis ???
Nos poupe da sua incapaz e indesejável presença no nosso país e nunca mais nos dê o desgosto de vê-lo por aqui.
P.S: aprenda o português, se é que vai conseguir, vai facilitar muito a sua vida soberba olhando para o Brasil.

Unknown said...

Paulo if you are so pround of north americans you should follow them doing what they do , lets see... first buy a gun , then you can go to some university or anywhere and shoot everybody , it would be cool hm ?! ;)

Unknown said...

In the accident that you were involved the american asshole pilots had their fault. So stop with all this shit that you're writing here, and take your time to look at the problems OF YOUR COUNTRY. Bush is your president, so shut the fuck up big motherfucker.

andreviana said...

Foda-se todos vocês [americans e brasileiros]{pratiotas}


Vai pro Inferno dos diabos jornalista americano

Unknown said...

You should respect the suffering of all the people who are related to the victims instead of trying to capitalize on this tragedy. It's incredible what some pepole can do to have some time on the media..

This Bo character is an idiot! The asshole surely knows jack about what happened! That's why there's a lot of people around the world that deslike americans. You know nothing about your own history and less about other cultures because you're not taught in school and you don't care....

I have nothing agains the american people, on the contrary, I have many american friends! The problem is that the people that are in charge of creating opinions are idiots and arrogant bastards! And that's the image that is passed to people that do not have access to other data around the world. The citizens should demand more respect by their governors...

Back to the happenning, Mr Sharkey, mind your own fucking business!!! The Legacy pilots turned off the transponder and that was a major cause for the accident! It could have been avoided but they chose irresponssability and more than 150 people had to pay for their actions! We can see that you didn't read or researched anything since the Gol accident!

I pity you!

Unknown said...

You should respect the suffering of all the people who are related to the victims instead of trying to capitalize on this tragedy. It's incredible what some pepole can do to have some time on the media..

This Bo character is an idiot! The asshole surely knows jack about what happened! That's why there's a lot of people around the world that deslike americans. You know nothing about your own history and less about other cultures because you're not taught in school and you don't care....

I have nothing agains the american people, on the contrary, I have many american friends! The problem is that the people that are in charge of creating opinions are idiots and arrogant bastards! And that's the image that is passed to people that do not have access to other data around the world. The citizens should demand more respect by their governors...

Back to the happenning, Mr Sharkey, mind your own fucking business!!! The Legacy pilots turned off the transponder and that was a major cause for the accident! It could have been avoided but they chose irresponssability and more than 150 people had to pay for their actions! We can see that you didn't read or researched anything since the Gol accident!

I pity you!

andreviana said...

Você ama suas armas?(sim)
Seu governo?(sim, porra)

The Love Song - Marilyn Manson

Unknown said...

by the way, here is a link from a pilot's opinion. He is a Brazilian.,,MUL72232-5605,00.html

Unknown said...

You've said a lot of thing taht are thue, like goverment and autorities are incompetentm, i dont fuckin know whose fault was in the accident of Gol, but please have mercy, cuz some times yousound so anti-Brazilinas like we are anti-Americans, i dont think that is the proper time to wrightn about "lesson not learned", I do agree on soemthings that you're saying but tha is just not the right time for it. Imagine yourself, the feelling of hundres ansd hundreds of families if someone write or wrote, just after the incident of 9/11 a text with the title "Lessons not leraned" tlaking about the lessons that your goverment, your country and all of your arrogant autorities didnt learn, we all have herats man, we all have families and we all have incopetent goverments that hide the truth from the population and sometimes and with different proportions those things end up in a tragedy; but as lots of people felt sorry for you people (EVEN DOUGH THEY UNDERSTOOD THE MESSAGE BEHIND IT) i think you should fell sorry for us too, cuz a thousands, millions of people are soffering and in pain right now and as the familiars of the victims of 9/11 THEY HAVE NOTGHING TO DO WITH THE INCOMPETENCE OF THEIR GOVERMENT, THIS TIME WE HOPE THAT YOU'VE LEARNED YOUR LESSON AND WHO KNOWS BY TOMORROW YOU WILL WRITE SOMETHING APOLLOGIZING FOR THOSE WHO WERE AFFECTED FOR YOUR WORD.

PS: I do agree with a lot of waht you're saying but once again have mercy, that is just not the right time

Thiago Moreira

Unknown said...

I can also write about Lessons Not Learned!

Americans invade other countries looking to get their resources after... They go, they destroy everything and they leave the citizens to God's hands cause they are left with nothing....

Unknown said...

Carlos e Paulo,

I have the same opinion and share your understanding. About Andrea's comment maybe we should do that. At least buying a gun and going to a school with a 3-5 years period could be compared to the every day killing in the country. Hahahaha, specially in Rio. "Lost bullets?" Isn't enough being robed and be killed for nothing? Now we can even walk without the fear of being hit for these lost bullets. I am surprised how people here just make an assumption of the whole based on one person. By the comments posted here how should we form an opinion about Brazilians?

Unknown said...

We are praying for everyone. We sure have mercy. We feel sorry for the family and for the Brazilians.

Bo said...

This is a great blog!! I've copied it into a file so I have proof of everything I've experienced in Brazil over the last 10 years here in Brazil.

When god created Brazil he was asked, "why did you give this country so many of your wonderful gifts of nature??"

God replied,

"Just wait until you see the people I'm going to put there!"

Bo said...

And to Felipe;

My god my man, how can you have the audacity to speak about another country's quality of education??

Your own federal gov't. just did a study within the last year of 38 countries, the vast majority being developing countries.....and brazil came in dead last

Unknown said...

fuck you americano otario

Patrício M said...

PARA os BRASILEIROS que estão atacando os outros brasileiros: quando o avião da GOL chocou-se com o LEGACY, o Sr. Joe Sharkey, quase imediatamente após a tragédia, foi a um programa de entrevistas e, sorridente, só defendeu os pilotos americanos e criticou o governo Brasileiro por ter segurado os pilotos no Brasil. EU tive a infelicidade de ver a entrevista e fiquei enojado pela frieza, pelo desrespeito para com as vítimas e parentes. O sr. Joe Sharkey tentou "ENSINAR UMA DE SUAS LIÇÕES": a de que não somos irmãos, a de que nesse planeta cada um cuida de si mesmo e se você não é de meu país, POUCO ME IMPORTA. ESSA FOI A LIÇÃO que Joe Sharkey passou. Isso justifica o meu total DESCRÉDITO para com esse jornalista de segunda. É triste que agora brasileiros entram nesse blog e começam a se atacar. É óbvio que os ânimos estão acirrados. É igualmente óbvio que os Americanos não tem moral pra nada hoje em dia. Uma população que votou duas vezes num assassino não tem crédito e isso afeta todas as áreas da sociedade. Paralelamente, o caos aéreo no Brasil passou dos limites. É preciso fazer alguma coisa e essa tragédia poderia ter sido evitada. E aos Brasileiros que moram no exterior: Vocês deveriam usar a experiência e toda felicidade que demonstram ter por morar fora do Brasil pra mostrar algo de melhor e não simplesmente denegrir o país em que nasceram e xingar os que estão criticando o jornalista. Talvez a realidade de vocês seja outra porque o rancor é óbvio.

Paulo said...


I'm not proud of USA. In fact I'm proud of living in Canada.

And if I didn't killed anybody in Rio where we have the 'right' to do so why I would do that here?

I'm a peaceful guy and all that I want is peace. That's why I left Rio.

Also somebody else is hoping my kid to be killed in a school here. Ok. I'm taking the chances. Be killed here or be killed EVERYDAY in Rio at home, at the traffic signal or maybe in an air accident.

I'm also praying for the victims. And hope this investigation goes nowhere like many others:

* Acidente da Gol
* Predio que desabou no Rio de Janeiro no Carnaval
* Barco que naufragou no ano novo no final da decada de 80
* Presidente do Senado

Como podemos ver o Brasil tem defeitos. E muitos. O pior deles eh nao aceita-los.

Gustavo, voce tem razao. O Brasil eh lindo. Mas nao fomos nos que fizemos. Ja estava la e ainda estamos destruindo. Que pena.

E de que serve ter praias lindas, montanhas maravilhosas e uma lagoa dentro da cidade se: Praias e lagoas estao contaminadas e sequer podia subir mais as Paineiras de bicicleta?


Ícaro said...

"another arrogant American"

Last time it was NOT our fault, but yours!

Patrício M said...

To BO: "This is a great blog!! I've copied it into a file so I have proof of everything I've experienced in Brazil over the last 10 years here in Brazil"...........oh my gosh...what a boring life!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

O sr. Joe Sharkey devia ter mais seriedade neste momento, coisa que lhe aparentemente lhe parece escapar. Ao invés de fazer uso político da tragédia e se colocar como vidente e adivinho, poderia esperar a abertura da caixa preta e a análise de dados. Aliás, este senhor deseja que acreditem que é a infra-estrutura não permitia a operação no aeroporto, o que já está sendo reavaliado como primeira causa, pois não há marcas de derrapagem na pista e há indícios que o piloto tocou tardeamente na pista. Além do mais, o tamanho da pista é suficiente para o pouso destas aeronaves.
Sharkey devia se preocupar com o processo que responde e o fato de que um transponder em perfeito estado de uso (certificado por orgãos internacionais) estava desligado no momento da colisão, e 'milagrosamente' foi religiado segundos após o choque sobre a Amazônia. Juntando com os comentários da cabine: "Cara, você está com o TCAS ligado?". Já ficou comprovado a imperícia e a irresponsabilidade deste homem, que não diferenciou o TCAS do rádio. Impericia que deixa qualquer usuário de avião com medo.

ShaliW said...

Mr. Sharkey, we do not go to mix the accidents. The first one was caused by the Legacy, that was with off transponder, knows there why. As, the most recent one, unhappyly had a sideslip, perhaps they must not have set free the track of the airport of congonhas that was in workmanships recently, perhaps needed more tests, we go to wait and to wait the result of the inquiries. The case is that it does not advance to compare the air accidents in skies of Brazil, each one had its reason, will little goes to say that the air accidents caused by robbery birds are guilt of the Brazilian also...
Mr. Sharkey, não vamos misturar os acidentes.
O primeiro foi causado pelo Legacy, que estava com o transponder desligado, sabe lá por que.
O segundo, mais recente, infelizmente foi devido uma derrapagem, talvez não devessem ter liberado a pista do aeroporto de congonhas que esteve em obras recentemente, talvez precisasse de mais testes, vamos aguardar e esperar o resultado das investigações.
O caso é que não adianta comparar os acidentes aéreos nos céus do Brasil, cada um teve seu motivo, daqui a pouco vai dizer que os acidentes aéreos causados por urubus é culpa do brasileiro também...

Unknown said...

meu nao acredito q entrei aqui soh p dizer q esse paulo chuparoladecanadense eh um cretino.....vai chupar pinto de gringo seu otario e n volta nunca mais p o brasil

Lydi said...

Sou brasileira com muito orgulho e por isso, mesmo sabendo inglês responderei aos seus comentários na minha língua. Se quiser entender o meu post, peça para o seu tradutor traduzi-lo para você.
Como você se sentiria se após o 11 de setembro eu criasse um blog só para apontar os erros do seu país nesta tragédia? É verdade! Vocês erraram e foi o seu tráfego aéreo que errou, foi o seu governo que errou, mas ao contrário de todos os humanos, vocês se acham acima de tudo e de todos e se colocaram como vítimas... “pobres dos americanos! O país deles é tão maravilhoso que um maluco invejoso resolveu destruir um símbolo de poder deles!”. E esse erro matou muitas pessoas inocentes a mais que o acidente do qual você sobreviveu e deste que você não está mostrando respeito.
Estou aqui para dizer que o Brasil tem sim o seu erro no acidente da GOL, mas como muitos especialistas já afirmaram, um acidente aéreo não se faz por um único erro e sim do conjunto de vários. Isso prova o erro do seu piloto que não estava com o Transponder ligado e voava fora do limite imposto pelo tráfego aéreo brasileiro.
Quero lembrar que não existe governo perfeito e o do Brasil está longe de ser, mas por incrível que possa parecer o seu também está. Nós temos violência nas ruas, corrupção na política e caos aéreo, mas vocês têm alunos matando colegas na escola, obesidade mórbida infantil, guerra e muitos outros problemas que nós brasileiros não temos e tudo isso é culpa dessa sua cultura americana prepotente e do seu governo arrogante.
Então, por favor, volte a fazer matérias importantes e que interessem, cancele este blog, mostre um pouco de respeito a uma nação que passa por uma dor irreparável e por problemas que não podemos resolver e também mostre que você aprendeu a lição.

Unknown said...


Bonitas palavras. Nos que moramos fora e temos outra realidade fazemos muito pelo nosso pais. Deixamos de ajudar instituicoes de caridade na Africa para ajudar no Brasil e se fosse possivel ajudariamos muito mais. Voce me passa a certeza de ser mais esclarecido no assunto e pela forma de escrever parece ser intruito. O problema do noss ataque aqui e de vermos neste e em outros paises justica e oportunidades algo que nao ha no Brazil. Esse povo aqui e maravilhoso e muito caridoso e simplesmente poucos nao sao o retrato do todo. Por conhecer-los e vivermos com eles e que os defendemos. Tambem somo proud em ser Brasileiros e sabemos que sao um povo alegre e trabalhador. Ninguem aqui atacou os Brasileiros, mas somente os politicos e o sistema governamental. O problema nseste blog e que muitas opinioes atacam o povo Americano. Se querem atacar o jornalista tudo bem, mas nao o povo. Tambem se foi dito muitos problemas dos 2 paises, mas que de passagem, os do Brasil sao lamentaveis.

Bem, nao temos nada contra os Brasileiros e rezemos pelos familiares neste momento de dor.

Vanessa Hirt said...

One more time an American citizen shows to the world a cold egoism. Brazil is suffering the biggest lived tragedy already in history from aviation. More than 200 people are dead now, don't import the reason, not now, understand that we will be the first ones to charge a reply taht had caused this accident, so that if it doesn't repeat. But the only thing that we can make is to cry, and if you it is so BAD who do not obtain to understand the pain of us, Brazilians, only respects, if it is that this is possible for an American citizen.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,

I have to agree with much of what you say, but unfortunatly, this is certainly not the time for such comments, nor are you the right person to be making them. As a journalist, our job is to inform people about truths that wil actually matter to them. It's not a sport, but rather a service. So what kind of service are you providing to your fellow american citizens by making such comments?
Would it not be more usefull to talk about the US' lack of competence when it comes to ending the Iraq crises, or the lack of honesty while starting the war to beggin with. And what about asking questions about the 9/11 incidents and the lack of clarity in it's investigation. I have never seen pictures of the plane that "fell" on the pentagon. Have you? Now even more seriously, have you considered questioning how it can be that in the most powerfull country in the world, the most "free" place on earth and the promoter of democracy, you are not able to elect a president by the majority of votes, and act in scandalous ways to keep the "status quo", nor able to avoid shootings at a college. Your aiports are a picture of what is most ridiculous. People take their belts, shoes and almost everything else off, are not aloud to take shampoo in their personal bags, and I am still able to walk in two airplanes with matches and pocket knives in my back-pack.
So yes, you are in many (not all) ways right, but you should rather be doing your job, informing your people of things that concern YOU.
Learn your lessons before telling us we need to learn ours.

Agora aos brasileiros:
Concordar oi nao com esse sujeito nao eh problema. Muito do que ele diz eh verdade, apesar da falta de respeito. Mas dar credito a um jornalista americano que nao nos diz nada do que nao sabemos, mas que faz questao de sujar o nosso nome para os outros, eh pura ignorancia!
Se eu comecasse a criticar a sua familia, dizendo que vcs sao desonestos, ou burros, e que nao sabem lidar com seus problemas, qual seria a reacao de voces?
Pois eh isto que esse infeliz esta fazendo. Enquanto no pais dele estao envolvidos numa guerra sem fim e sem razao, ou que o governo nao eh claro quanto as razoes pra tal guerra, enquanto no pais dele ainda se fazem furos em cartoes eleitorais em vez do voto eletronico e por isso nao sao capazes eleger o presidente que na verdade teve mais votos, ou ainda enquanto o governo diz o que quer em relacao as causas de 11 de setembro, sem ser claro ou mostrar os fatos (alguem viu a foto do aviao que caiu no pentagono? nem eu!), enquanto tudo isso acontece no pais dele, ele decide fazer o desfavor de informar pessoas que nem falam a nossa lingua, de como o Brasil eh sujo, burro, ignorante e nao sabe resolver os proprios problemas.
Disso tudo, entao que nos deixem em paz com os nossos problemas para resolver. Daqui a pouco vao achar que podem entrar aqui prah resolver nossos problemas pra nos como estao fazendo no Iraq.
Entao por favor prestem mais atencao no que estao fazendo antes de elogiar um sem nocao que nao faz js a profissao dele.


I have to agree with every word you said Mr. Joe and plus Brazil is becoming the new Africa, poverty and ignorance from its peolple are leading the country to a civil war. The Governament does't give a shit about the peolpe or the country, being a politician nowadays in Brazil is A MILION DOLLAR JOB, you are allowed to steal, to kill whatever you want...a Good example is the Pan Games held in Rio...There's no news about murder, drugs and corruption eversince, what a coincidence, i bet they bought out the media as well. Plus a bunch of stupid brazilians, can speak for themselves, talking about God and soul and being aggressive towards you...What it's all get to do with the accident??? That's only the concequence of a neglected country and there's much more to come...stay put.

Unknown said...

Lessons Not Learned?

9/11 left us with many lessons and another 9/11 is very hard if not impossible to happen again. So from the mistake our actions left the answer.

In Brazil there were many mistakes in the same airport. They happened over and over until something tragic happened. They were all the SAME problems.


Paulo said...

Hi Bo,

I'll copy this blog too. Because in the near future I'll have to explain to my son why I left Brasil.

And this blog in less than 200 comments really explains that.

People writing bad words, people not providing anything meaninful to the discussion (besides some nice exceptions like Debora, Gustavo, Carlos).

Brasil, the country of the future. But it only forgets that the future is built in the present by learning the lessons from the past.

For you all that keep saying bad words... Enjoy Brasil. You deserve it, you are part of it... And don't be that envy...

Unknown said...

Sure the Brazilian government is guilty. Just like your 2 Legacy pilots(they were not capable to operate properly that "new plane", but they were too smart to realize that).Who said that when something goes wrong, there is just one part to blame? You should become a lawer...

Unknown said...

Cuide da merda de seu país.

Seus assassinos, mataram milhares de pessoas inocentes incluindo crianças no oriente médio, japão, vietnã,etc. e querem dar lição de moral.

Olha para o seu rabo seu merda.

Unknown said...

Easy too say huh? Respect the victims, their families and try to see things how its really are. We not blame you americans for 9/11 so you dont blame Brazil for those things. And about GOL accident, in Brazil, here in England or in your "lovely" USA, killers are criminals and deserve to be in jail, like Legacy pilots, that was PROVED that they were one of responses of that tragedie. This is the main lesson that you won't learn beacuse, like it or not "dear" american readers, you´ll aways escape unpunished of every crime you´ll do abroad, one of your politicians will bring you back home to laugh about poor countrys. If you have a liltte respect or consideration with all those people and also who read this blog you can email me to

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I-Design said...

You should be ashamed of yourself! If you're not, your parents gotta be if they are in heaven! If they are not ashamed of you, they must be in hell, where you will be one day, you cold blooded bastard!!! Hundreds of families suffering still because of the mistake of the AMERICANS PILOTS last year, which by the way, got proofed already, just so you know, dumbass!!! We are not blaming your stupid pilots in vain!!! THEY DID KILL ALL THOSE INNOCENT PEOPLE!!! And they will meet you in hell! What happened yesterday was a terrible accident, and yes, it was our fault THIS TIME, but that doesn't give you the right of saying such a cold, stupid, unnecessary, wrong, arrogant, uninformed comment! Hundreds of families suffering, and you say such a thing?! I ask myself if you are a human! Whata fuck is wrong you your head?!

Rickson Mesquita said...

Just one question: how many air accidents does the US have a day? I remember watching 2 at Fox news at 10 yesterday...

F.A. said...

Very nice post!

I'm brazilian. And I want to congratulate you for your realist text. What happened in Brazil was a fatality and it could be avoided by the brazilian authorities. It's very easy to blame someone from another country and make an entire country believe in this lie. Brazil must learn how to protect its citizens and their life. I feel very sorry and sad for those who died in this last accident, but we have to be realist and face the problem in order to avoid more deaths.

ivana said...

two serious accidents in ten months, two accidents in congonhas in the same week, two airports with problems in the same day (sao paulo and rio)...
what else should we expect? when lula and the authorities will wake up? i'm sorry, but the americans are right. brazilian system is broken...

CSI said...

Não generalizem a classe jornalística, que não é assim!
São estes que se dizem “jornalistas” que mancham minha classe!!

micuim said...

seu bostaaa!! culpa do deu piloto de merda que anda com a porra do transponder desligado ja causou um acidente gravíssimo agora voce vem com essa que nao adiantou?? quem vc acha que é cara?? vc é mais um norte-americano de bosta, ignorante, sem coração, queria que sua mae e seus filhos tivessem nesse aviao idiota, se é que vc tem mae e filho porque vc é um monstro babaca!

Murilo said...

Sir. Sharkey,i thing than you know what are you doing with this text about BRAZIL,because your country dont learned with the terrorist when his crashed the airplane with WTC,so,i ask you something...
Do you think that you are more or not of the brasilian people?
careful... have brasilians guys around the U.S.A CAREFUL my litlle JOE SHARKEY of cheat

Bo said...

World Press: Plane Crash in Brazil-Government Agencies Knew of Dangerous Conditions

Brazilians: The U.S. is killing people in Iraq!

World Press and United Nations: 28,000 brazilians work in conditions of modern-day slave labor in Brazil.

Brazilians: The U.S. takes advantage of illegal aliens.

World Press and United Nations: 45 million brazilians make less than 2 dollars a day.

Brazilians: The U.S. has poor people too!!

World Press: Brazilian politicians steal Trillions and not one has ever been convicted!!

Brazilians: There's corruption in the U.S. too!

Now, apply this to every single economic or societal problem that exists in Brazil.....can ya see why problems never get resolved?

Unknown said...

Bem como todos veêm, o povo norte-americano não aprendeu com sua arrogancia, os ataques de 11 de setembro não foram o bastante para mostrar o quanto seu imperialismo e nepotismo os levou à aquela fatalidade. Vários povos do mundo todo, inclusive o Brasil demostraram sua compaixão e tristeza junto com o povo americano num momento tão trágico. será que esta arrogancia, este forma déspota de ser do povo americano nunca vai acabar, sera que o que aconteceu em 11 de setembro não foi o bastante para acabar de vez com esta ignorância em massa deste povo, sera que a solidariadade desmosntrada por vários paises não ficou no pensamento de um jornalista que provávelmente vivencio o sofrimento do seu povo. Sera que o sentimento de perda que este jornalista teve não é igual o que o povo brasileiro esta passando, principalmente as familias das vitimas que neste momento estão tentando se agarrar em alguma coisa para consiguir superar a perda. Estas pessoas vão sofrer igualmente aos parentes das vitimas de 11 de setembro. Nossa sera que para ele é tão difícil entender que neste momento não hà lugar para críticas e sim lugar para solidariedade e compaixão.
O que esta se vendo é uma forma de alegar que os culpados foram os brasileiros no primeiro acidente e que eles eram os certos, uma forma de dizer "eu não disse olha a bagunça que este país tem na aviação", mas não é bem assim. Sei que você fala bem o português e que tem muito influência no que faz, deve entender tudo o que esta sendo falado aqui, e sabe que para ter mais status no meio jornalistico, é criticar fatos principalmente como este no qual lhe rendera masi algum tempo de fama em cima de fatalidades. quando não se tem capacidade de fazer um bom jornalismo como você esta fazendo, se apela para a mediocridade de fazer um jornalismo cruel e sádico.

Unknown said...

Have you considered killing youself you idiot joe bitch? FUCK YOU AND DIE ASSHOLE!

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

o seu filho de uma puta vai cuida da tua vida vai pelo menos aqui nenhum terrosrista sequestra nossos avioes seu filho da puta um pouco de respeito com as vitimas é bom seu corno inutil

Daniel said...

Dear folks, if you want to address someone a message, write it in a way this person can understand. Joe does not know Portuguese, which is not a fault as you might think by the way; Anyway, two airplane accidents in less than one year should mean something beyond "anti-Americanism", xenophobia, or inability to watch our own mistakes? Or do you consider the our airplane system flawless? Should it be that good as you suppose so, innocent people would not have died.

Paulo said...

That's Brasil. We don't accept our reality. And because we are so nice, we have carnival and a great soccer team what else matters anyway???

Brazil, The Great Pretender!!! And while it keeps "Deitado eternamente em berco explendido" other countries in the world keep developing.

And yes, Brazil in the near future will be the new Africa. Unfortunately.

Agnes said...

Dear Joe, I completely agree with you. The problem in Brazil it's not the government but the people!
Of course I feel sorry about the victims, but I also know how brazilians like to show how much they love Brazil in tragedy moments.
I think they didn't get the point.
Instead of criticize you, they should do something. If they did the right thing before, maybe this accident could be avoid.
Like somebody said before, brazilians are prejudice.
They don't have any culture, most of them don't know how to write properly and they are still proud to say a lot of fool thinking.
The only thing they know is to read your post in portuguese somewhere out there and then come here to blame you just because you can see what the most of them don't!

Unknown said...

Mr. Sharkey,

You cannont compare plane crashes. You are not stupid. We have lessons to learn as any other people in he world, mainly yours. Do I have to write here about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do I have to write here about the 600.000 Iraq innocent civilian lifes? Do I have to write here about your President who is a liar and a murderer? As you know well (because you were there)the first accident with Gol boeing was caused by the American pilots irresponsibility, as the transponder was not connected, as well as by the Brazilian Air Traffic staff who did not inform the boeing pilot about the Legacy. We can only regret the accident of yesterday, however, nothing can be said because investigatios are to be taken. Therefore, please do not be irresponsible, Mr. Sharkey. Please be worried with your country.

Aos brasileiros que escrevem neste blog. Por favor, unam-se em vez de se degladiarem inutilmente. Abraços para todos.

Julie said...

Very interesting that all comments come from Brazil.

US people has no opinion, they are all narrow minded, commanded by stupid jornalists like you.

There is nothing to do between your crash and the CGH airport...

One advice: take care of your ass!

Unknown said...

just one comment for you: US kill people everyday...and not americans only...people from all of the globe!!!! So, don't loose your time with us...look to your americans are worst than anything in this world. You are worst than cancer!!! you are murders!!!!
So fuck you!!!!!!
go to hell with all the others americans!!!!
you don't have the right to judge noone!!!!!


I've never ever read so many shit in such small space. Brazilians before you tell Joe Sharkey off look to your politicians who steals billions from you every year, spreading corruption, violence and drug dealing throughout the country...and you don't do a thing...That's the moment to speak out, there's no time for the deads, with all respect, but now you have to look after the alive ones. That accident was only another prove that your money does't go to where it was sopposed to, like every single penny in the CRAP BRAZILIAN SYSTEM...

Patrício M said...

JADIR, e todos: temos que criticar, sem dúvida. Mas num momento desses essa discussão calorosa não leva a absolutamente nada e na minha opinião o pseudo-jornalista Joe Sharkey é um aproveitador. Com ânimos tão acirrados, sem dúvida vamos começar a xingar uns aos outros e o foco principal acabou. E é um fato: os americanos não tem moral pra mais NADA em termos de mundo. Os assassinatos em massa promovidos no Iraque acabaram com a pouca reputação dos americanos. Esses são os fatos. Na Europa é ainda pior, os americanos são vistos como totalmente vazios, ignorantes e inconsequentes. CLARO que se algum americano fizer qualquer crítica, AINDA MAIS NUM MOMENTO desses, receberá críticas pesadas e xingamentos. Como eu disse, eu me lembro de ver esse jornalista na TV sorrindo e dizendo bobagens logo após a colisão do Legacy com o Gol. Fiquei enojado. Tudo o que ele dizia era que os pilotos tinham que sair do Brasil. A falta de respeito foi explícita e grotesca. Agora venho aqui criticar porque pra mim esse sujeito não vale absolutamente nada. Assim que coloquei minha opinião, UM TAL DE BO (americano residente no Brasil) me chamou de IDIOTA. ESSE É O NÍVEL DOS AMERICANOS. ASSISTAM AO FILME "SYCKO" e vejam a trágica REALIDADE AMERICANA, um país cada vez mais decadente, cada vez mais sem moral pra coisa alguma. Claro que o tal de BO não vai mencionar o quanto as políticas internacionais dos EUA prejudicam países em desenvolvimento. Ele também não vai admitir a matança promovida pelos EUA ao redor do mundo. Infelizmente, esse tipo de pessoa é individulista, arrogante, ignorante e irresponsável. Quanto aos brasileiros, a hora de de UNIÃO e não desse xingatório inútil.

Patrício M said...

THEREZA LUCIA FORTUNATA: falou e disse. DOA aos AMERICANOS, mas a moral desse país ACABOU. VOTARAM duas vezes em UM ASSASSINO. SÃO ESTÚPIDOS que elegeram um criminoso como presidente POR DUAS VEZES. AMERICANOS, abaixem a cabeça porque A OPINIÃO DE VOCÊS É MAIS DO QUE INÚTIL nesse momento. Vocês NÃO TEM AUTORIDADE pra nada. Mesmo o Brasil, com toda sua miséria, com tantos problemas, deve e tem mais direito de ser respeitado do que vocês. And I won't fuckin' waste my time translating it to portuguese. BRASILEIROS: É HORA DE UNIÃO pô! E aos Brasileiros que moram fora: SE TUDO O QUE VOCÊS SABEM fazer numa hora dessa é xingar e denegrir o Brasil, calem-se e cuidem das suas vidas.

Jo Story said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kawane said...

Take care of your ass!!!
We don't need you...

Unknown said...


Vai dar meia hora de bunda!!!!

Renata said...

I've been reading this blog ever since the Gol accident and, until now, never felt like posting in here. Honestly, I'm really sad about a few comments here. Cheap patriotism should have nothing to do with right or wrong... Brazilian airspace system has serious flaws and, by denying that and being brazilian, accept the fact that, next time you step on a plane, you better pray. Maybe the american pilots were also responsable, but... it doens't mean that they are the only ones to blame... I live near Congonhas airport and , yesterday went to bed with a terrible smell of smoke and burned meat... Brazilians, wake up and start blaming who really deserves...

Sandro said...

You it must have died, luck its, not? if it had died the 10 months behind would not be saying excrement today…

Fuck You, ASS HOLE!!!

Os E.U.A matam e proliferam a destruição e o mal pelo mundo inteiro... e esse doente ainda tira sarro de um ACIDENTE... Mal educado esse Norte Americano... Deveria ter morrido junto com os pilotos do jatinho(incompententes que não sabiam nem as principais funções do jato, sendo isso a principal causa do acidente) mas não, morreram os 150 coitados do avião da gol!!!

Brasil, nós somos fortes!!!

FreakShadows said...

I agree w' andre! pessoas estao mortas ! Show some respect!!!!

Hilton said...

congratulations for the blog.
Everybody in Brazil shoud read it but I'm sure those idiots in Brasilia won't.
They transformed a tragic accident in a circus.
Now came the second accident...

Ex Long-Islander said...

The Governor of Sao Paulo has called for the launch of yet another criminal investigation before knowing all the facts. You can be sure that the top priority of the Brazilian Federal Police Investigators is to do DNA tests on the bodies of the TAM pilots to see if they had any American family heritage in their bloodline to confirm their suspicions. I believe the pilots' bodies were brought to the morgue in handcuffs.

Pedro de Bragança said...

Dear Sir,

But, stop being arrogant and a monster OK?

The First Accident doesn't have anything with the yesterday one, ok, and it doesn't liberate your friends, incompetent pilots from legacy.

We have problems, as all of the countries have, but I think you should be more worry and write about IRAQUE, AFEGANISTHAN, IRAN, PAKISTAN, WARS, POLLUTION, GLOBAL WARMING, TREATY OF KYOYO, ETC, ETC..
What do you think about those themes, SIR?

Claudinho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claudinho said...

Joe, please don’t mind those rude comments, I’m Brazilian too, and we know that all of those people have never even been in US, all that they know is what they see on TV and at the movies, unfortunately most Brazilians find much easier to blame somebody else for things they had nothing to do with, than open their eyes for their reality! Brazil has a lot potential to become a “1st world” country with very strong economy, but with the shitty system and government that we have, that won’t happen any time soon. Thank you for your comments, I agree a 100%

Carlos said...

I will more write later, but will say one thing for now. It is amazing how Brazilians say others can't criticize their country, but Brazilians criticize foreigners (Americans are arrogant, and ask how Brazilians mock and accuse Argentines of arrogance) and how they attack Americans and even mock them over 9/11.

And by the way: I am Brazilian.


Escreverei mais coisas aqui mais tarde, mas direi uma coisa agora. E incrível como brasileiro fala que outros não podem criticar o Brasil, mas brasileiro critica estrangeiro (americanos são arrogantes, e perguntem a qualquer brasileiro como brasileiros gozam de argentinos e os acusam de ser arrogantes) e como brasileiro ataca americano e fazem piadinhas sobre os ataques de 11 de setembro.

E a propósito: sou brasileiro.

Bo said...

well of course you do Pedro!!! Should we americans not get pissed off at Brazil, Brazilians, and the Brazilian media for not proclaiming that the Iraqi war is the greatest thing since the invention of the automobile??

Because that's exactly what you're expecting of the outside world, to just not comment on Brazil's dirty laundry! But the rest of the world is fair game, eh?

Do you see how immature and ignorant you sound?

Unknown said...

I am journalist and what a shame I feel... You are a monster. Don´t go talking shit about things you don´t know. Your pilots where irresponsable, and so are you, saying it. USA is even worst than us, with that stupid war...

Luís Eugênio said...

Your words just say everything: "You're american!!!". You are some kind of monster, you, americans, think you are in a higher level. You can't say this about the accident happened on september 29th. Don't forget you, americans, that were in the legacy are the guilties for the accident!! The world doesn't need you americans!! Fuck you!

Unknown said...

I agree with you, Joe. Brazilian government needs to take responsibility and start think about themselves and how much money they can steal from the Brazilian people. It will be the blame game again as we saw 10 months ago with the Gol arline accident. Please keep talking about it. I am Brazilian and I am paying attention

Bo said...

Does anyone really believe that if there existed any shred of evidence to convict the american pilots that they would've released them and come back to the U.S.??

The kept them for 70+ days for god's sake and didn't charge them with a thing!!!

Talk about communist Russia!

patricia m. said...

Hey Mr Sharkey: I think it would be nice if you translate all the crap the Brazilians write here, and show that to the Americans. I can help you with translation, as I am Brazilian.

I hope you keep doing what you're doing now. And please, go deeper and deeper, because somehow journalists sold their soul in Brazil to the government. I am advising my foreign friends NOT TO FLY to Brazil, because of all the risks involved (not only in the airports and transportation system, but also violence). I hope the tourism industry in Brazil gets a huge loss with all this. Maybe Brazilians will wake up then. I hope also that in general the economy loses with all this: why so much optimism by investors if the country lacks a lot of infrastructure and has corruption grassing all over? Maybe Brazilians will wake up to reality by then.

Anonymous said...,,MUL72728-5605,00.html

"O Brasil ocupa uma posição nada honrosa nas estatísticas de acidentes aéreos dos últimos dois anos. Os desastres com um avião da Gol no ano passado e com o vôo da TAM nesta semana fazem do país o que mais teve vítimas fatais em grandes acidentes de aviação no biênio." - Globo

Brazilian readers: please stop wasting time and energy blaming the United States (and Mr. Joe Sharkey) for this problem. The US has caused many world problems but this is not one of them. Instead it is a problem of a rapidly growing economy but a slowly modernizing infrastructure. Like Indonesia in recent years, many more will perish unless serious improvements (not cosmetic ones) are made immediately.

Unknown said...

Vendo esses brasileiros idiotas que vêm aqui para xingar o Joe Sharkey percebo como estamos condenados a ficar para sempre no terceiro mundo.......

Seing all these stupid Brazilians who come here to badmouth Joe Sharkey, I realise how we're doomed to stay forever in the third world......

Ary Girolamo said...

Rapaz, eu sou cearense. I know that you(Joe �The Monster� Shark) are smilling at this time, reading the anger, rage, fury brazilians comments in this blog. You must learn to be impartial and humble urgently or the people in Cear� will hate you forever. You have time to apologize... Please do it quikly or we gona meter a pexeira nos seu bei�o, seu fi duma �gua cooooooorno!!!! Pau no c�!!!! Des�a aqui no Cear� , seu porra !!!! Venha!!!

Sonia said...

I don't agree with Mr. Sharkey when he criticizes the way Brazil is handling the investigations of the accident with the Legacy and I don't like his manners as well, but this is a very serious subject. Using this space to argue and offend each other is unnacceptable. This is not Orkut, people!!!! Be serious!

Regina O'Numb said...

Yesterday night I was shocked: I watched two Lula´s assistents, Mr Marco Aurelio Garcia and Bruno Gaspar making some joking after they knew that could be a probable tech broke at the plane and then the crash: here. This shows reality, the 'atmosphere' of this stupid, corrupt and unable govern about the pain of hundreds family's members and friends. Is not secure to fly in Brazil, reality, please, close Congonha's airport.

WestEdge said...

Why was not crushable concrete in place at this airport if the runway is so short? Even if the plane was airborne and thus missing the crushable concrete at the end of the runway - the story might have been different had that concrete been in place. That is because the pilots - knowing that the crushable concrete was there and would safely stop the plane - might have kept the plane down instead of trying to touch-and-go.

WestEdge said...

This article was a quote from a news source with no comment. Yet the people here from Brazil are for some reason angry. I don't understand. He has said nothing to cause such anger and excitement (and excrement) in reaction to his post.

I think this is a sign Brazilians just hate Americans all the time no matter what they do. Even if Joe says nothing they are angry at him. It's crazy.

Vision said...

Have the ATC (Air Traffic Control) voice transcripts of ATC clearances and pilot readbacks been released?

Has this critical information been entered as court evidence?

Can someone please answer these questions?